Monday, September 3, 2007

I'm moving

The Society of Professional Journalists asked me recently if I'd consider moving my posts over to its blogosphere. As a national board member of SPJ and a longtime member, I jumped at my friend Chrisine Tatum's invitation.

A couple of other reporters are joining me at Technolo-J. The content will be the same, but with three of us posting, hopefully there will be more information and more consistency with posts. . I also am working on getting the archives moved to the new area to make searches for past posts easier.

I hope those who have been following this blog will continue to support us, offer comments and advice.

We're just getting started.

Find the new blog here.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your move! I found the new blog through pingbacks just yesterday. I subscribed and I'll change my blogroll.

